We are looking for a Project Manager with a Positive Mindset

Verso Vision is a healthcare AI vision company on a mission to make the world a safer and better place for the elderly. Our fall-prevention solution and software uses video analytics and AI to deliver fall-prevention for the healthcare, care, safety and other fields. Our solution identifies and monitors human actions and movements, sending automatic alerts to staff through a safety system when risk or danger is detected. As a fast-growing scale-up with solid and well-established ownership, Verso Vision is already operating in several countries around the globe and we need passionate new team members to turn our mission into a reality.

Verso Vision is currently looking for an agile Project Manager with great customer service skills to join our international team.

We are looking for

  • Determination, energy and a results-oriented mindset that will help get our pioneering, industry-leading product delivered on time and 110% to our hospital and care home customers.
  • Good social skills, a customer-orientated attitude and a positive mind that gets excited about happy customers. We want our customers to not only love our product but to have fun working with us!
  • Ambition and curiosity that supports our mission, which is also our passion as a team. We hope you’ll share our vision of creating a socially impactful product and constantly improving it to better to serve our customers and the world.
  • Values and mission that are in line with ours. You’ll get a feel for our company values and mission on our web site. If you like what you see, we hope you’ll join us and help us bring them to life.

For us, a great attitude and willingness to learn is what matters most, but your background might include:

  • At least a few years of experience as a project manager, preferably managing ICT projects
  • A proven track record of successfully leading ICT projects, especially creating work breakdown structures to plan and monitor project activities and risk management
  • Work experience in the IT, telecommunication, or healthcare sectors
  • Certification in project management

If you join the Verso Vision team, your days will include:

  • Managing international and domestic Verso Vision customer delivery projects and handling practical project implementation when needed
  • Ensuring that assigned projects are properly planned and managed end-to-end
  • Pro-actively managing project risks and ensuring high-quality project delivery
  • Managing resource planning and allocation for assigned projects and ensuring that milestones and decision points are documented and followed
  • Acting as the interface between our customers and your colleagues to collect information needed to perform and deliver project activities in English and Finnish
  • Creating and maintaining relevant documentation (Finnish and English)

We offer all this (and lots more!)

  • Interdisciplinary and purposeful work
    You’ll get to work with a diverse team on a great AI product and business with massive potential.
  • A front seat with a wheel
    You’ll get the unique opportunity to leave your mark on our story of high social impact – this role is central to our success as a team.
  • Hybrid work opportunities
    Most of the current tech team members work in Lappeenranta, Finland, so visits there every now and then are needed. Our customers and projects are located around Finland and all across the globe, so while our projects are mostly managed and delivered remotely, it’s important that you’re willing to occasionally travel for customer visits.
  • Nice people to work with
    You’ll be welcomed into a great team and the best and nicest customers we can think of, so we can promise you’ll also have lots of fun and make new friends!

Please answer few easy questions here or send us your CV and apply by 28.2.2023 by careers@versovision.com or  and tell us why and how you’d like to work with us and our customers to make world a safer and better place! You can also call our CTO Toni Kuparinen directly at +358 50 518 6811 to talk more.