AI-eyes for safer care
Verso Vision uses proven AI to prevent falls before they happen and helps healthcare staff respond to them faster when they do.

What is Verso Vision 24/7 remote eyes for patient safety
Verso Vision pairs the newest, production ready, AI technology with the age-old human expertise of nursing and care professionals. Together, we can prevent falls, wanderings and accidents before they happen and respond to them faster when they do.

Tested and proven results Used and proven in various leading hospitals and care facilities since 2017.
1000+ falls detected Thousands of falls and accidents prevented and detected each year.
50% Decrease in fallsAmong patients in hospitals and nursing homes.
In use with 5000+ nursesIn user experience studies, 100% said they want to continue using the solution.
Increases nursing staff efficiencyNurses can focus on their work while Verso constantly and consistently monitors risks in all patient rooms 24/7.
Millions of dollars in savingsOne fall can cost tens of thousands of dollars. By preventing many of them, Verso enables massive savings, with a return on investment time of just months.
Reference AI-based fall management system developed with Helsinki University Hospital
Verso Vision has been developed and tested for years in various hospital wards in close cooperation with HUS Helsinki University Hospital. Verso Vision has been in wide hospital production use in HUS and other hospitals since 2017.
All references

TechnologySafer care by bringing together people and AI
Verso Vision has been proven to help prevent up to 50% of all patient falls by using AI to alert staff as soon a patient is restless or attempting to get out of bed. And if a fall does happen, our system alerts staff immediately, ensuring that the patient receives immediate care.
Our technology
SolutionGet immediate staff alerts when risk is detected
Nursing and care staff can’t be with every patient 24/7, but with Verso Vision they can care for every patient 24/7. Our solution detects patient motion and risk, immediately alerting staff when they’re needed.
- Patient fall
- Bed exit
- Restless in bed
- Room exit
- Toilet exit and time alert
- Also other alerts and functionalities can be added according to specific care needs.

Benefits for patientsSupporting patient independence and privacy
An overwhelming majority of patients appreciate extra care and protection but want to remain independent. Verso Vision is a completely contactless solution – there’s no need for wearables to stay safe 24/7.
- No buttons to press in case of a fall.
- Optical sensor is discretely placed on ceiling without disturbing patients.
- Discreet alerts are sent directly to nursing and care staff.
- The privacy of every patient is always respected: Verso Vision analyses situations and spaces automatically, without anyone personally watching the patient.
- The solution’s privacy and monitoring level can be adapted according to care needs.

Social impactCaring for those who have cared for us
The ageing population is a challenge the whole world must face. We believe it is also an opportunity to care for those who have cared for us all. Our technology is designed to keep elderly patients and loved ones as safe and independent as possible. That is something we’re very proud of.
Read more about us and our social impact
We are hiring!Join us, let´s make world safer with cutting-edge AI
We are growing globally and we need people with passion to help and work with us to accomplish our mission.
We are looking for:
- Technology specialists
- Business and service professionals
- Resellers, Integrators and Technology partners.